Do you know who i am? The immunity frenzy!

Do you know who i am? The immunity frenzy!

Eleftherios Avgenakis invoked his immunity, citing his parliamentary status in front of a police officer summoned by the 22-year-old employee of Athens airport “Eleftherios Venizelos”  who, as he testified in the lawsuit he filed against the minister, was verbally attacked and threatened during his working hours by the minister because not all the passengers waited for him to board once he deemed he was finished with his personal affairs, even though he was called over the airport loudspeakers twice to board the aircraft.

It is neither the first nor the last time we have seen inappropriate behaviour by our institutional officials.

In fact, the post-memorandum years surfaced the continuous unaccountability of the corrupt politicians of the Hellenic Parliament, exploiting the seal of immunity.

The failed legislation of the state’s criminality against the Hellenes (Greeks), who are also the sole owners of Hellas (Greece) and their state, occurred with the illegal surrender of the Sovereign ownership and rights of the Hellenic Nation, the oldest Nation on the planet.

As per Article 14, par. 5 of the 2010 convention, the foreign leaders signed that Hellas irrevocably and unconditionally waived its IMMUNITIES FOR THE PROTECTION OF NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY, violating all the fundamental principles of justice at all levels; international, European and national law.

Subsequently, they legislated the PARLIAMENTARY IMMUNITY PROTECTION of any criminal activity by the foreign political party ‘mafia’ who operate in the Hellenic Parliament.

We will never forget Spyridon (Adonis) Georgiadis in Parliament when he PLEADED – THREATENED to not have his parliamentary immunity revoked and tried for high treason when the entire composition of the Parliament at the time was sued by Mr. Artemis Sorras, the current President of the National Political Body of the Hellenes, because when the $600 billion were deposited, they signed the third memorandum, essentially the tombstone of the country. As he pointed out in the Parliament, “We are all being sued for High Treason by Mr. Sorras”, he more or less said that if his parliamentary immunity is lifted, then everyone will take their turn.

Since then, the Hellene citizens are experiencing the greatest and absolute destruction of Hellas.

Immunity was fashioned at will.

True lies, conspiracies, misrepresentations, forgeries, murders, indecencies, unnatural laws, disrespectful and arrogant attitudes, despicable characters of officials, all kinds of entangled accomplices in the genocide of the Hellenes and the selling out of Hellas.

Judges to sentence, not on the basis of the truth and evidence, but on the basis of their conscience, which is transformed into a beast against the rights of the Hellenes according to the governing line of the respective government.

Illegal immigrants are free to roam the country, polluting the historic center of Athens. Raping, stealing, murdering without arrest, they live as parasites backed by the benefits from the Hellene people’s money. The Hellenes, on the other hand, are on the verge of poverty, they emigrate, pensioners have to work to make ends meet and young people cannot have children.

The arsonists who have burned Hellas to the ground, are set free, all based on a plan just as Niki Tzavela mentioned in the European Parliament, “let Greece burn for the sake of Europe” and she was not arrested then, but instead lingers among us with others alike.

Child rapists (Dimitris Lignadis) and politicians are not tried because they have immunity.

A barrage of “scientists”, “experts” and “self-proclaimed epidemiologists” shouted out on TV panels that people should be vaccinated to protect those around them. All these liars received immunity during the time of the pandemic, coercing the old, youth and children with media fear to be vaccinated with vaccines that the companies themselves are now coming out and saying that their formulations have serious side effects and even deaths recorded worldwide. And by chance (though chance does not exist), after the vaccinations, a new terminology without any scientific basis was established by doctors and various experts, “sudden death” as they called it, having unexplained deaths of athletes, young people and even children. Worst of all, the decision-makers knew that the vaccines had never been manufactured to protect against the infection or transmission of the coronavirus, a fact proven by a document of the European Medicines Agency. And all these killers are protected by immunity. Another very serious matter that we will examine extensively in another article with all its ramifications.

There is no rule of law, everything has been razed.

Who are ultimately responsible for this entirely morbid situation?

Who has allowed immunity for the low-level criminal tactics of the people who administer the homeland of the Hellenes?

The Hellenes themselves allow it with their attitude towards this murderous regime.

It is no coincidence that in the constitution of Hellas, two attributes of the people and the Nation are defined.

1st: Laos (the people) etymologically comes from the word Las which means stone/rock. Stone has no mind. It does not think. It has no reason. It is a widely used material. Its applications are many; in houses, bridges and all kinds of constructions.

The Hellenes have become stones who, like building materials and not as people, structure and construct with their energy the empire/autocrats, autocrat = auto/self-proclaimed and crats = keepers/holders. Either as beggars for a few crumbs from their enormous stolen wealth, having a client relationship with the abusive elements of the political life of the land, or abstaining from their unique ability to manage their own wealth, their own lives and are the majority in Hellas reaching over 60% of the total population.

2nd: The Nation (Ethnos) which means Eth = ‘directly from’ the genus, directly from the Nos = ‘Mind’. It is the power that its members have, i.e., all Hellene Citizens who participate in Decision and Authority. Who build their own country, their own Politeia (State) on the basis of the ancient Value System which is in accordance with their own creation. They are Sovereigns of the decisions they collectively make for sound administration. Isonomy, Isigoria, Isocracy, Justice and all those components that structure the ascendance of the Polites (citizens) of the Politeia (state) and all together produce their Politismos (civilisation).

The just time has come for the redefinition of the Hellenes in all planes and levels. Their place is within their Ethnos (Nation) where they belong. There, they collectively create together and ascend. The Hellenes are not a laos; stones, solid masses. They are ANTHROPOI (humans). And the time has come to show this to everyone with their union and punish all these ethnocides. In a privileged country, a Hellenic Politeia (State), there are no immunities (asylees) of any kind, only asylums for the insane.

Written by,

Athanasia Peklaris

Translated by,

Themis Ioakimidis

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